DURHAM — The People’s Health Care Act was passed last week, and Ontario Health and Long-term Care Minister Christine Elliott came to Ajax Pickering Hospital to announce the intended changes to the health-care system.
The 2019 budget invests $27 billion for essential infrastructure to end hallway health care. The minister announced the plan will focus on creating digital tools and services that will help to create 3,000 new hospital beds across Ontario. The plan also includes $1.4 billion in investment spending.
“This landmark legislation is a key component of our government’s plan,” said Elliott. “We want providers to communicate and work directly together.”
Earlier in the year, the minister announced over 7,200 new long-term beds to be implemented over the next two years or so as a part of a plan to create 15,000 across Ontario.
“We all know though that our health-care system is facing immense pressures,” Elliott said. “The system simply doesn’t have the right mix of services, beds and digital tools for a rapidly growing population. As a result, patients are getting lost in the health-care system.”
The investment into the health-care system will take place over the next 10 years in the form of hospital infrastructure projects. Elliott said these systems could include programs such as the Carriage House Reactivation Program, which aims to help transition the elderly to their next stage of care. The program operates in partnership with Lakeridge Health, Carriage House Retirement Residence, Saint Elizabeth Health Care and the Central East Local Health Integration Network.
Elliott says programs such as this will “benefit the community by freeing up beds.”
Elliott says now that the act has been passed, investments into changing the current health-care system have the legal authority to move forward, adding there are already 2,500 partners interested in being involved.
More information can be found on the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s website at www.health.gov.on.ca